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习题 (6).doc

上传人:drp539603 2021/10/7 文件大小:15 KB


习题 (6).doc


文档介绍:My Predictions: What will Fanchang be like in 20 years?
In 20 years, Fanchang ______ (be) bigger and more beautiful. We _____(have) a Cultural and Industrial Park of Porcelin (瓷器) and a big square around it. More people _____(come) to Fanchang. There__(be) ____(more/less/fewer) hotels and tall buildings. We _____(enjoy) flower festivals and different fairs (交易会). We ____(see) ______(more/less/fewer) polluted water and _____(more/less/fewer) cars. Fanchang _________(become) a tourist center for Blue-and-white Porcelin Art and Nantang Dynasty(朝代) Culture.
1. I am afraid I won’t be ____ (能; 会) to visit you on Saturday.
2. There’s a lot of ________ (污染) in the air here.
3. We have ____(更多的) things to do for fun, but we have ______(更少的) time to be with our friends and families.
4. You’d better finish the job with _____ people and _____ money. (more/less/fewer).
5. --You ____(be)always late for school. you ____(be) on time tomorrow morning?
--Sorry, I _____(not be) late from now on.
6. We ____(have) a good time at today’s meeting, and we hope that we ______(meet) again in a month.
7. The earth is much ______(污染的),_____(应该) we help _____(save) our _______(星球)?
8. –What _____(能) we do to have a better (环境)?
--We ________(use) ______(more/less/fewer) water and ______(种植) (more/less/fewer) trees.
9. --What do you think the


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