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英语诗歌-Freedom 珍惜自由.doc

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英语诗歌-Freedom 珍惜自由.doc

上传人:lily8501 2021/10/8 文件大小:13 KB


英语诗歌-Freedom 珍惜自由.doc


文档介绍:第1页 /总页数 2 页
英语诗歌-Freedom 珍惜自由

Of all the wonderful gifts that we've been given, one of the greatest is freedom.
Welcome to Faith Radio OnlineSimply to Relax, I'm Faith.
As much as we may deny it we are free in this life. We are free in what we think, free in what we feel, free in what we say, and free in what we do. Yes, life may give us some very difficult circumstances at times, but we are still free in how we choose to react to them.
Many people in this life deny their freedom. They sit back in their misery1 and blame it on their parents, or their childhood, their health, or their financial problems. They never once stand up and take responsibility for their own lives and their own happiness.
The truth is that we've been given the power to choose love and joy in our lives no matter what happens to us. No one has ever been or will ever be strong enough to take our freedom away from us.
You're listening to Faith Radio OnlineSimply to Relax, I'm Faith. Don't deny your freedom, rejoice2 in it, cherish3 it, and use it every day of your life! Remember, you


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