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文档介绍:English Test (80 分)
You forgot your dictionary? You may have .
ne B. ny C. nine D. nyself
He often has for breakfast.
two breads B. two piece of bread C. two pieces of bread D. two piece of breads
There is tree in front of our school.
a eight-metres-tall B. an dght-metre-tall C. a eight metres tall D. an eight metres tall
have it everywhere but haven,t it yet.
A. looked at; found out B. looked; found C. found; looked for D. looked for; found
teacher and writer is still in our school.
A. The; he B. A; a C. The; \ D. The; a
The bus kept the people for twenty minutes.
B. siting D. t)油it
The bike 500 yuan.
A. pays B. costs C. spends D. takes
- It's nearly six p. m., will you have supper here?
一 Sorry, . I have many things to do.
A. I mustn't B. I(an't C. In©dn't D. I dorit
Does Japan the east of China?
A. le t) B. le d C. le h D. le on
What we do it rains tomorrow?
A. can; so B. shall; if C. does; but D. should; before
- Your aunt can hardly read or write, ?
A. can he; No, he can't B. can't he; Yes, he can
C. can she; No, she can't D. can't she; Yes, she can
When the lights are red, the traffic stop. Then you cross.
A. must; can B, should; should C. have to; must D. can; can
You'd better more water, Tom. That's good for your health.
A. dink B. dinking C. b dink D. drank
of the apples