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using harmonious houses for visual pairwise comparison of multiple criteria alternatives开题资料.pdf

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using harmonious houses for visual pairwise comparison of multiple criteria alternatives开题资料.pdf



文档介绍:Decision Support Systems 7 (1991) 47-54 47
Using harmonious houses for visual pairwise
comparison of multiple criteria alternatives
Pekka Korhonen * 1. Introduction
Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration, 00100
Helsinki, Finland
In this paper, we consider discrete multiple
criteria problems, in which decision alternatives
are evaluated using a large set of criteria. Since
each alternative is presented as a vector having
In this paper, we consider the problem of evaluating deci- several elements, the amount of information re-
sion alternatives, which are described by means of several quired for comparisons is often quite large, which
criteria. Our aim is to develop an approach which enables a makes it very difficult for the decision maker
decision-maker to present value information on the basis of a (DM) to absorb it. Therefore, there is a need for a
visual representation. The underlying ideas used in the ap-
proach are based on the use of symmetry and harmony. These method,