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using student produced videos to increase knowledge of self-care topics and nonprescription medications开题资料.pdf

上传人:学习的一点 2021/10/15 文件大小:194 KB


using student produced videos to increase knowledge of self-care topics and nonprescription medications开题资料.pdf


文档介绍:Available online at
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 5 (2013) 44–48

Using student produced videos to increase knowledge of
self-care topics and nonprescription medications
Jeanne E. Frenzel, PharmD*, Elizabeth T. Skoy, PharmD, Heidi N. Eukel, PharmD
College of Pharmacy, Nursing, and Allied Sciences, North Dakota State University, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Fargo, ND
Objective: To develop and implement a video production project to increase student knowledge of self-care and nonprescrip-
tion medication topics.
Methods: Faculty created an innovative instructional design in which students produced videos to teach the public about
common self-care topics and nonprescription medications. Videos were viewed by student peers, faculty, and community
pharmacists. Before viewing the videos, a pre-exam was administered on a volunteer basis to second- and third-year pharmacy
students to assess the baseline knowledge of self-care topics and nonprescription medications for second-year students and to
assess the retention of knowledge learned regarding self-care topics and nonprescription medications of third-year students.
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