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variability in function measurements of three sensory foot nerves in neuropathic diabetic patients开题资料.pdf

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variability in function measurements of three sensory foot nerves in neuropathic diabetic patients开题资料.pdf



文档介绍:ELSEVIER DiabetesResearch and Clinical Practice29 (1995)37-42
Variability in function measurements of three sensory foot
nerves in neuropathic diabetic patients
Valerie M. Donaghuea, John M. Giurini”, Barry I Rosenbluma, Peter N Weissmanb,
Aristidis Veves*a
aDeaconess-Joslin FOOI Center, Harvard Medical School, I85 Pilgrim Road, Boston, MA. 02215, USA
bJoslin Center for Diabetes at Baptist Hospital, Miami, FL, USA
Received13 March 1995;revision received19 June 1995;accepted 19 July 1995
We have examined the variability in function measurementsof three sensory foot nerves in neuropathic diabetic pa-
tients and have compared them to measurementsfrom healthy non-diabetic subjects. Sixty-six healthy, non-diabetic
subjects (30 (45%) males, mean age 56 years (range, 21-84 years)) and 61 age and sex matched diabetic patients (33
(54%) males, mean age 55 years (range, 34-78 years) Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM), mean duration of DM 24 years
(range, 2-48 years)) were tested. Current perception threshold (CPT) at 250 Hz was employed to test the sensory func-
tion of three nerves: superficial peroneal, sural and posterior tibia]. The vibration perception threshold, (VP