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文档介绍:How to overcome structural problems?
Sentences of inverted order
Placement of object
Unique pattern
Word transfer
New verb and noun phrases
Sentences of inverted order
Never in history had technology made such spectacular advances.
In the doorway stood a man with a gun.
2. Placement of object
I had either forgotten or completely ignored during the exciting years of the war my own black skin.
These nations are less interested in colonizing than in exploring.
These nations are more interested in colonizing than in exploring.
( I ’m less ( more ) interested in driving than in swimming. )
This westward expansion occurred more (less/ not only) because the searching for better land ( but )than because the population was increasing.
( I like football more because it is exciting than it is populous. )
4. Omission
What if I fall off the bike again?
He is a millionaire, and his father without a cent.
Although home to a huge desert, it still can get water from the nearby wells and rivers. ( be home to )
5. Word transfer
We must place you in a position of authority.
You are well suited to the post we have in mind.
verb and noun phrases
I bought satellite receiver in the duty free shop.
Their efforts finally paid off.
He always does his job in his own way regardless of final outcome.
Special Features of Western Writing
Topic sentence ( subject, controlling idea )
Supporting sentence (A)
Supporting sentence (B)
Supporting sentence (C)
Concluding sentence
Learn to define the topic sentence
A well-trained teacher is not nervous, because she has the confidence which comes of knowing that she is fully prepared for her work. She can help all her pupils, from the brightest to the slowest; and when she realizes, from the silence of her class when she asks a question, that they have not understood what she has explained, she is able to repeat her explanation again in diffe