landscape engineer园林工人 tonsorial artist理发师 sanitation engineer清洁工
shoe rebuilder 补鞋匠 soft in the head发疯的 reckless disregard for truth说谎
to take things without permission偷窃 industrial climate劳资关系紧张
nether garments下面穿的衣服 trousers裤子 plain(朴素的;简单的
ugly丑陋的 patient耐心的 lunatic疯狂的
call your carriage for you=ask you to go away请你离开
a man of doubtful taste=a man of doubtful taste一个低级趣味的人
a lady of the town=a prostitute妓女(镇上的女人)
Justice has long ,疏而不漏
Diamond cut
golden saying金玉良言 fat office肥缺
You will cross the bridge when you get to
Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a ,不为凤尾
drink like a fish牛饮 tread upon eggs如履薄冰
Kill two birds with one
Haste makes
Beauty is only skin
Spare the rod and spoil the
Give a person a dose of his own