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小学英语 Unit1Thisisourteacher教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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小学英语 Unit1Thisisourteacher教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

上传人:蓝天 2021/10/25 文件大小:63 KB


小学英语 Unit1Thisisourteacher教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc


文档介绍:Module5 Unitl This is our
教学目标(Teaching aims)
能正确听说读写单词:this, our, teacher, school, classroom, child.
能合理利用句型This is my/our ...描述身边事物。
教学重点、难点(Important and difficult points)
单词:our, child
句型:This is my/our...
Greeting & Warm up:
T: Good morning boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning ,teacher.
T:How are you?
Ss: I'm fine. And how are you?
T:rm fine. What colour is it?
Ss: It's black and white.
T: First, lefs sing a song, OK?
Ss: tree.
Lead in
T: Great! Nowjefs play a game. I say you do, OK?
T: Boys stand up. Girls say 'Hello' to teacher. Girls stand up. Boys
point to the window. Girls Point to the ceiling. Sit down. Everybody say 'Nice to meet Point to the desk/chair.
T: Look! This is my desk.(板书 This is)
(The same way to introduce "This is my chair".)
Watch part 1. Listen and repeat.
(Teacher use PPT to show a classroom , includes the door,window,ceiling floor,desks and chairs. Use "This is a ••-,5 to introduce the classroom.)
Learn the word “classroom” and put it on the blackboard.
Then show a picture of our classroom. Introduce “This is my classroom.^^ Learn the word "my"and put it on the blackboard.
Show a picture of our the word "our schooF5 and put them on the blackboard.
Lead the students to know the difference between my and our.
Play a bomb game.
Read by groups. Read to