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Banana Pi Specification.doc

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Banana Pi Specification.doc

上传人:yzhlyb 2016/7/9 文件大小:0 KB


Banana Pi Specification.doc



文档介绍:Banana Pi What isa Banana Pi? We provide you an open hardware, you build your own, fulfill your creations, that is Banana Pi. Banana Pi is our starting point, we are dedicated to contributing to the open source hardware, and our goal is to build a platform that makes it easier to design and build new devices and related software. We fully respect all contributors' work, and panies and individuals to participate in this project. Together we will make a difference. Banana Pi is an open-source single-puter, affordable with extensible configurations. It provides high performance from AllWinner SoC and 1GB DDR3 SDRAM. It is versatile and can run Android, Ubuntu, Debian, Rasberry Pi Image, as well as the Cubieboard Image. The board's layout will be released in the future. Banana Pi is raw, it is for anyone who wants to play and create puter technologies, instead of simply being a consumer of electronics. It's a simple, fun and useful, it isa tool that you can use to start taking control of the world around you. Hardware specification CPU: A20 ARM? Cortex?-A7 Dual-Core GPU: ARM plies with OpenGL ES Memory (SDRAM): 1GB DDR3 (shared with GPU) Onboard Storage: SD (Max. 64GB) / MMC card slot UP to 2T on SATA disk work: 10/100/1000 RJ45 (optional USB WIFI Dongle) Camera Input: A CSI input connector allows for the connection ofa designed camera module Sound Input: Mic Video Outputs


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