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文档介绍:内容。总体上讲,本文从经济、社会、文化三个主要方面对满族守陵村之忠义村进行了系统的阐述与剖析,并对如何利用文化优势抓住机遇更好的发展进行了一定的探索与讨论。忠义村作为清西陵周围一个典型而具有代表意义的村落,通过对其细致的调查研究将会有利于更加深入的了解清西陵守陵人后裔这个群体。关键词满族,守陵村,文化变迁 ABSTRACT QingXiling was the second emperor’S tomb during theperiod of Qing Qinggovernment sent alarge amount ofpeople tothe tomb as guardians,and most ofthem settledthere with times went by,descendants ofpeople who guarded theirancestors’tomb have e farmers in HeBei province inmodem the same time,the traditional Manchu’S culture haschanged alotbecause ofthe process ofexchange between Manchu andHan thatdistributed around the tomb’S areas. This paper take ZhongYicun as an example of villages which scattered around QingXiling as theguarders,and collect allkinds of material culture and spiritual culture by way of ethnological and anthropological’S field work,such as participant observation,depth interview as well as referring tohistorical matirials,with the hope of having aclearideaofthevillage’Shistory,status,cultural change and SO paper alsomake afutherthinking about theproblems ofManchu cultural identity and protection oftheintangible cultural heritage and SO onbased on the research process. Atfirstthispassage describes theforming history ofQingXiling’S guard village;then it statesZhongYicun’S economical prehensive views,including theeconomical lives’change oftomb guardian’S descendants,the appearance anddevelopment ofagriculture, diffenrentdomestic sidelinesforms;next,it describes thechanges ofthe village’Slife-manners,including thefouraspects ofdiet,living tradition, culture andentertainment,education;at last,thepassage introduces ZhongYicun’S socialstructure,including thirteenManchu families, Marriage and funeral rituals,healthand socialsecurity. Generally speaking,this paper makes asystematic statement and analysis forZhongYicun from economy,society aswell asculture and alsohas afuther discussion tohow tomake good use ofitscultural advantage todevelop


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