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英汉“红色”与“黄色”词汇对比研究 毕业论文.doc

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英汉“红色”与“黄色”词汇对比研究 毕业论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/10 文件大小:0 KB


英汉“红色”与“黄色”词汇对比研究 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:本科毕业论文题目英汉“红色”与“黄色”词汇对比研究姓 名院(系) 外国语学院专业、年级指导教师二零一零年九月目录摘要……………………………………………………………………...1 引言………………………………………….. ………….. ………...….…2 1. 颜色的分类………………………………………. ……..…..…. …….3 2. 红色与“ Red ”... ……………………………. …………………….…5 英汉“红色”词汇的基本联想意义………………………….….5 “红色”与“ Red ”的文化对比……………………………....5 同一颜色不同色彩的表示法的不同………………………...…..9 3.“黄色与” Yellow ”……………………………. …………………… 10 英汉中“黄色”的基本联想意义及其源由………………. …… 10 指示意义相同, 文化意义互缺………………..…. ……………..11 文化变异………………………………………….. ………..…...12 结论…………………………………………….….. ………………..….15 参考文献………………………………………. ………………….…....16 1 英汉“红色”与“黄色”词汇对比研究摘要: 英汉两种语言中存在着大量表示颜色的词汇,如黑、白、红、黄、绿、蓝等。颜色是一种客观存在的、特殊的物质形态,人们无论在情感上还是视觉上都会在一定程度上对颜色做出反应。不同的民族对颜色的看法和认识趋于一致, 人们对颜色和颜色词所产生的联想意义方面也有许多共同之处。但由于民族风俗、思维方式、地理位置、民族心理、宗教信仰等文化背景的差异,英汉两个民族对各种颜色在视觉上和心理上所产生的联想、象征的意义、蕴含的寓意不尽相同,同中有异,异中有同。这就使得中西方民族在颜色词的具体使用和理解上存在差异。本文主要以“红色”和“黄色”为例,分析其在英汉中的不同联想意义并探寻其文化历史根源,以便更好地了解中西方民族文化的差异,使其对英语学****及对促进中西文化交流和翻译实践有一定的现实指导意义。关键词: 红色;黄色;引申义;对比研究 Abstract : Colors are abundant in both Chinese and English, such as black, white, red, yellow, green, blue, etc. Color is an objective and special substantial form. People all can react to color, no matter in emotion or vision. The view and cognition of different national people toward color are much alike; they also have mon associations in color and color terms. But the associations, symbols and implied meanings of color terms to the different nations are different because of their different customs, way of thinking, environments, psychology and religious belief, all this makes the understanding and use of color terms different in different nations. This thesis mainly takes “ red ” and “ yellow ” for example. Through analysis of the difference between “ red ” and “ yellow ” words in Chinese and English, their cultural and historical roots are explored . Therefore, it isof practical significance toknow the differences between English and Chinese color words and their extended meanings for promoting Chinese---English munication and developing translation