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文档介绍:以下是针对目前在考题库( 2012 年5月~8 月)口语 part2 话题合并! 无需单独准备的核心素材的话题: ① Describe one of your favourite family photographs. ② Describe an important letter (that) you received. ③a conversation on the phone=a way you like municate: phones, email, the , letter a museum an interesting shop ④a happy event in your childh ood 无需准备的原因很简单,在下面的话题准备中,也自然涵盖! 需单独准备表达核心素材的话题(但不难): ① Describe a wild animal from your country. ② Describe two people who you know from the same family ( 可以基于健康的生活方式加上性格的描述来改编).③ an important event in history 新题④a toy in your childhood ( 旧题重考)=Describe something you made yourself (either alone or with others) when you were a child. ⑤a best part of your time ina day 新题 1, Describe a wedding you attended (or, would like to attend/ or, would like to have). =Describe a time when you received some money asa gift. =a happy marriage you know 新题=an event that made you laugh 半新题 Tips :国粹,闹洞房!新郎见新娘得给红包,你懂得!(一起糊弄糊弄老外) 2, Describe a situation that made you a little angry.=Describe an experience you had with bad weather=a sports event you wanted to watched but failed to (半新题) =a thing made you feel pity 新题 Tips :核心素材可准备一个因坏天气而延误的旅程! 3, Describe something expensive you would buy if you had a lot of money. =Describe a product from another country that you would like to buy. Tips : The new ipad. 4, Describe a useful piece of furniture in your home. =Describe sth you lost(Describe a time when you


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