文档介绍:成人高等教育毕业设计(论文) 题目:大城市公交线网规划研究学生姓名: 函授站点: 潍坊交通学号: 043152000 专业名称: 交通工程学习层次: 学习形式: 函授指导教师: ××× 审核签字: ×× 二○○七年十月摘要公共交通线网规划是大城市客运交通规划的主要部分,具有非常重要的意义。本论文在分析大城市公共交通特性的基础上, 提出了大城市客运交通结构的发展战略思想:以轨道交通为骨架: 常规公交为主体, 其它公交方式为辅助的多层次公共交通客运体系。对公共交通线网规划的三个部分: 中运量轨道交通,接运公交, 常规公交的线网规划方法进行了探索和研究。对于中运量轨道交通,以轻轨为例, 提出了一种改进的扫描方法。根据线路起终点状况, 以路线效率最大为宗旨, 定性分析、定量计算相结合,逐步缩小搜索范围,直至找到一条最优轨道交通线路或线路集, 以供决策者参考。同时还对轨道交通线路起讫站点的确定方法,轨道交通的客流预测方法作了一定的研究。为了扩大轨道交通的客流吸引范围, 进行了接运公交线路规划方法的研究。重点研究了接运站址的选取方法, 以这些接运站址为基础, 逐条搜索出一系列合理的接运公交线路,和中运量轨道交通线路共同组成大城市公共交通客运体系的骨架。对以前常规公交线网规划方法进行了总结和归纳, 对大城市换乘枢纽的必要性和设置方法进行了定性的分析,在逐条布线法的基础上提出了启发式公交线网逐步优化方法, 不断反馈, 最后形成合理的公交线网。同时,还对常规公交线路起讫站点的确定方法进行了一定的改进。将公交线网规划方法应用于鞍山市客运综合公共交通规划, 进行了鞍山市轻轨线路规划,轻轨线路客流预测,常规公交线网规划,并获得了满意的结果。关键词:大城市公交线网规划研究 ABSTRACT As the main part of the urban passenger transport planning, public work, planning plays a very important role. After analyzing the features of urban public passenger transport, a strategic idea that the public passenger transportation system is formed muti-gradually by Light Rail (LR) as its framework, normal public transport as its main part and other public transport manners, is studied. By Using the LR as the example, an improved scanning algorithm isput forward for the medium quantity rail transport. According to the practical conditions, and with the aim of maximum route efficiency, both qualitatively and quantity, the route-searching range is diminished gradually until best LR route is found. Meanwhile, the method for setting the terminals LR routes and the passenger flow forecasting method are also studied. In order to extend the passenger-attracting scope, the method for feed bus route planning is developed. In this process, the method for selecting the feed bus terminals is the primary part. With the feed bus terminals as the foundations, a series of reasonable feed bus routes are selected step by step. These routes, together with the work, form the framework in the urban public passenger transportation system. After the forme