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文档介绍:充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 1 舵轮气吸式精量穴播器设计摘要本文主要讨论的是一种精量穴播器的载插机构,该穴播器主要应用于烟苗、玉米、甜菜、茄子、蕃茄、棉花等作物的田间移栽作业。根据作物育苗移栽的农艺要求,在分析了国内外众多穴播器的基础上,优化设计了适合钵苗移栽的机械的关键部件, 分析研究了机械栽苗的一般规律,找出了影响栽苗效果的若干因素,确定了工作部件的主要参数。该机构的创新点是采用了曲柄连杆机构作为穴播器的投苗机构。由于条件限制, 实践方面有待进一步的加强, 进行进一步的检验、分析、再设计, 使所设计的烟苗穴播器械达到较好的工作性能指标和工作可靠性的要求, 但最为重要的是一定要满足农业生产的要求—农艺要求。移栽部件的运动分析是穴播器设计的基础,在建立钵苗运动数学模型的前提下, 运用 Inventor 建立实体模型,创建组件连接,在 Inventor 中对移栽部件进行模拟仿真, 并对其关键点与建立的数学模型进行比较,对移栽部件参数进行优化。关键词:穴播器; 曲柄连杆机构; 投苗机构. 充值下载即送 CAD 图纸, QQ 36396305 2 Small bowl transplanting seedlings into the puter-aided analysis Abstract In the thesis, we discuss the seedling launching mechanism ofa planter which are applied in transplanting of y 、 corn 、 beet 、 eggplant 、 tomato 、 cotton ...etc. According to the requirement for agronomy transplantation to grow seedlings, we have found a good method to the ones that are suitable for the y nutrition bowl and grow seedlings and transplant in optimization design on the foundation of analyzing numerous transplanting machines both at home and abroad, and through the investigation of the result of the homework, we have analyzed and researched the universal law of the plant shoots in machinery and found some factors that affect the result of plant shoots. The crank and rocker mechanisms are applied to the seedling launching mechanism. Because the terms is limited, in practice, the aspect treats to further enhance, examination proceeding further, analyze, then design, make a cotton for designing planter attain the good work function index sign and work dependable and reliability, but the most important must satisfy the agriculture produce of request. Based on analysis of transplanting parts movement, through development of mathematical model describing seedling moving procedure, the entity of transplanting parts were established with software Inventor, and connections of the parts were created. Simulation of planter working procedure was carried out and moving track was set up for study of planter key p


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