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毕业生就业信息网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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毕业生就业信息网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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毕业生就业信息网站的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:湖北民族学院毕业论文(设计) 毕业生就业信息网站的设计与实现学生姓名: 学号: 031040425 系别: 信息工程学院专业: 计算机科学与技术指导教师: 评阅教师: 论文答辩日期答辩委员会主席 I 摘要 21 世纪是网络信息的时代, 网络普及了各个层面和领域。虽然学校每年都会有校园招聘会,但这远远不够。由于时间或者地域等问题毕业生就业会有很大的局限性。所以网络招聘可以减少不必要的限制,让双方可以很方便的交流沟通, 也让双方的效率和成功率得到有效的提高。本文从解决毕业生就业需求的基本问题入手,讨论了毕业生和企业的需求, 分析了网站设计的要求目的, 进一步进行各信息的分析统计和系统的管理。设计和实现这个毕业生就业信息网站。本文使用网页编程工具、数据库技术和 JSP 技术来开发设计毕业生就业信息网站。网站提供了毕业生和企业的信息与需求。实际运行表明网站清晰明了,使用方便、快捷,能够及时的提供信息。关键词: 就业,毕业生,就业信息网, SQL Server , JSP II Abstract The 21st century is the age work work spread all levels and the school campus recruitment every year,But it is far from to time or regional issues such as employment has significant work recruitment can reduce unnecessary restrictions,Let both sides can be very munication,Let both sides of the efficiency and ess rate is effectively increased. This paper investigates the factors influencing supply and demand of college graduates employment,Discusses the graduates and the needs of the enterprises,Analyzed the requirements of web site design purpose,Further information on the management system and the statistical and implement the graduate employment information website. This article uses the web programming tools 、 database technology and JSP technology to develop the design graduate employment information website provides the graduates and the enterprise information and the operation shows that website is clear,Convenient 、 fast 、 can provide timely information. Keywords :e mployment, graduates , employment work , SQL Server , JSP III 目录摘要........................................................................................................... I ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... II 1 绪言 课题背景................................................................................................................ 1 课题的目的和意义...................................................