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上传人:夏天教育 2021/11/24 文件大小:162 KB




文档介绍:2019 年贵州省黔西南州中考英语试卷
一、情景交际.根据所给情景选择最佳答案( 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)
1.( 2 分)﹣ Hello!How are you?
﹣ ( )
A.Who are you?
B.I'm fine ,thank you.And you?
C.How do you do?
D.Nice to meet you.
2.( 2 分)﹣ Excuse me,what's the time now ?

A.It's Friday.

( )
B.It's sunny.
C.It's October 1st. D.It's half past ten.
3.( 2 分)﹣ I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.

A.You are kind.
B. It is certain.
C.It doesn't matter . D.I am sorry,too .
4.( 2
﹣ I want to buy a new dress for my mother.( )
A.What can I do for you?
B.Where is your mother?
C.What are you doing?
D.How much is this?
5.( 2
分)﹣ Would you please help me move this desk?

A.Of course not. B. Certainly.
C.I agree with you. D.I am OK.
6.( 2 分)﹣ Excuse me,how can I go to the city bookstore?
﹣ ( )
A.Yes,you can. B. It's all right.
C.Turn left at the corner . D.I don't think so.
7.(2 分)﹣We're going to different universities after the summer .Enjoy your time
in college!
﹣ ( )
A.The same to you. B.Me ,too .
C.See you. D. Good idea.
8.( 2 分)﹣ John broke his arm when he was playing basketball yesterday.
﹣ ( )
A.I'm sorry to hear that . B.It's OK.
C.Never mind. D.Well done.
9.( 2 分)﹣ Tomorrow is Saturday, would you like to go cycling with me?
﹣ ( )
A.I like it very much.
C.Sure,I'd love to.

B.Yes,I would.
D.I think so.
10.( 2 分)﹣ Rachel,you'd better come to school on time tomorrow!
﹣ ( )
A.That sounds good. B.Sure, I will.
C.Sorry,I won't . D.I don't know.
二、单项选择.( 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)从 ABCD中选出能填入空白
11.(1 分)Tom is going to play soccer and play violin this weekend.( )
A.a; the B.the;/ C.the ; the D./ ; the
12.( 1 分)﹣ How is it from your school to home?
﹣ It's only .( )
A.far; a ten﹣minutes walk B. long; ten minutes'walk
C.far ; ten minutes'walk D.long; a ten﹣ minute walk
13.( 1 分) nice city Guiya


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