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文档介绍:Signal Transduction and the Related Disorders
Pathophysiology Department
Tongji Medical College
The process in which cells
sense the extracellular stimuli through membranous or intracellular receptors, transduce the signals via intracellular molecules, and thus regulate the biological function of the cells
Basic Concept of Cell Signaling
(trans-membranous signaling)
G-protein-mediated pathway
Adenylate cyclase mediated pathway
Phospholipase mediated pathway
Small G-protein-mediated pathway
Non-G-protein-mediated pathway
Receptor tyrosine kinase mediated pathway
Receptor serine/threonine kinase mediated pathway
Receptor guanilate cyclase mediated pathway
Intracellular (unclear) receptor mediated pathway
Major pathways for cell signaling
Aberrant Cell Signaling and the Related Disorders
General process for
transmembrane signal transduction
1. Aberrant Signal
Types of cellular signals
Physical signals
Light, electronic, mechanic, UV, heat, volume or osmotic, etc
Chemical signals
Hormones, neurotransmitters, GFs, cytokines; odor molecules; ATP, active oxygen; drugs, toxins, etc
Modes for the function of endogenous signals
Endocrine Act on a far away organ via blood
circulation, seen in most hormones

Paracrine Act on a nearby target, seen in GFs, PG, NO

Autocrine Act on itself after secreted, seen in GFs,
especially in tumor tissues
Intricrine Act on itself before secreted, seen
in nuclear receptors
Synaptic: Presynaptic to postsynaptic,
seen in neurotransmitters