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  摘 要:在新课程改革不断深入的背景下,初中数学教学工作更加注重采用多样化的手段进行授课,其中在初中数学教学工作中落实采用“思维导图”进行教学,将会达到理想的教学效果,帮助学生突破数学学习的重难点,获得良好学习体验。因为在采用“思维导图”进行数学教学的过程中能够实现帮助学生将各种数学基础知识点相互串联,从而加深对各种知识点的记忆和理解,最终达到理想的教学效果。因此,该文将围绕思维导图助力初中数学难点学习为主题来展开分析,通过详细了解思维导图在初中数学教学中的应用价值,再提出促进利用思维导图突破初中难点学习的可行性对策。
  关键词:思维导图 初中数学 发散思维 难点学习
  中图分类号: 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2021)11(c)-0238-03
  "Thinking Map" Helps Junior Middle School Mathematics Difficulty Learning
  WANG Junxia
  (Shangying Junior High School, Lintao County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, Dingxi, Gansu Province, 730517 China)
  Abstract: In the context of the deepening of the new curriculum reform, junior high school mathematics teaching pays more attention to the use of diversified means of teaching, in which the implementation of "mind map" teaching in junior high school mathematics teaching will achieve the ideal teaching effect, help students break through the key and difficult points of mathematics learning, and obtain good learning experience. Because in the process of using "mind map" in mathematics teaching, it can help students connect various basic mathematical knowledge points with each other, so as to deepen the memory and understanding of various knowledge points, and finally achieve the ideal teaching effect. Therefore, this paper will focus on mind map to help junior high school mathematics difficult learning as the theme to carry out the analysis, through a detailed understanding of the application value of mind map in junior high school mathematics teaching, and then put forward the feasible countermeasures to promote the use of mind map to break through junior high school difficult learning.
  Key Words: Mind Map; Junior high school mathematics; Divergent thinking; Difficulty learning