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上传人:WonderC 2021/12/4 文件大小:17 KB




Dear Rob,
I just finished checking all detail on this case, sorry for the late reply.
As usual, the labels always be approved by the China office before its mass noticed this mistake as sku# on the original file is not , I will make new correct labels to you immediately and send them via DHL at our , can you help rework at your side? Hope it can be workable for you!
We really learn a lot from this e____perience, will be more careful in the future orders.
Thanks and best regards.

Dear Rob
I am very sorry for my delay reply about the plaint of incorrect label
We e____tend our apologies for the inconvenience this matter has caused you。
I have made enquires within these two days after we back to work and found that the problem was caused by we copy the wrong sku code from the specification, and doesn't noticed the sku code was wrong that all orders of tp0761 are attached the wrong label and have been delivery to uk before our , I can assure you that we have taken steps to make sure that this kind of situation cannot arise again.
We will prefer you rework them on site and the replace label will send you by DHL soon Could you please advice how many pcs of inner bo____ label or


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