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文档介绍:1. Wasting Time Is New Divide in Digital Era () 1. In the 1990s, the term “ digital divide ” emerged to describe technology ’s haves and have-nots . ? If you refer to two groups of people as haves and have-nots , you mean that the first group are very wealthy and the second group are very poor. You can also refer generally to poor people as have-nots . 2. who has long doubted the value of putting puter in every home without proper oversight . oversight ?n(a) [U] unintentional failure to notice sth 疏忽;失察: Many errors are caused by oversight. 有很多错误都是因疏忽造成的.(b) [C] example of this 疏忽;失察: Through an unfortunate oversight your letter was left unanswered. 因不慎疏忽未能给你覆信. 3. trainers would fan out to schools and libraries to teach productive uses puters for parents, students and job seekers. ? fan out phr v ifa group of people fan out, they walk forwards while spreading over a wide area 4.“ We failed to account for this ahead of the curve ,” she said. ? ahead of (or behind ) the curve, at the forefront of (or lagging behind) recent developments, trends, etc. 5. Policy makers and researchers say the challenges are heightened for parents and children with fewer resources ? heighten (sb's) awareness (of sth) (=make people realize something more clearly) The case has heightened public awareness of the problem of sexual harassment. 6. Many lower-e families take great pains to manage how t