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文档介绍:Hand Safety Campaign
Knives and Cutting Tools
Safe and happy life
Upon the successful completion of this module, you
will be able to:
Describe the three main components of Jacobs’ Knife Policy
Describe the guidelines for cutting and reminders for using sharp tools
Explain how you can avoid ‘Line of Fire’ hazards when using cutting tools
Describe the proper procedures for handling knives and cutting tools when transporting or storing
List the three sections of a cutting knife and explain what type of cut each section is designed to make
Types of Knives and Cutting Tools
Box cutters/utility knives
All-purpose utility cutters
Pipe cutters/trimmers
Snips (shears)
Sheet metal cutters
Kitchen knives
Wire cutters/strippers
Razor blades
Paper cutters
‘X-Acto’ knives
Jacobs Knife Policy
Only the use of knives and cutting tools with automatic self-retracting blades are allowed for work tasks.
The use of a “pocket knife” as a cutting tool while performing a work activity or task is prohibited.
Specialized tools are required for cable cutting and stripping operations; the use of a lineman’s “stripping knife” is prohibited.
Tool Selection and Work Area
Right tool for the task
Consider the task and material being cut
Depth of the cut
Support for material being cut
Surrounding area free from obstructions
Good Housekeeping
Guidelines for Safe Cutting
Concentrate on the task at hand
make straight, even cuts
Avoid rocking, prying or twisting the tool
Hammering or excessive force or pressure can cause cutting tools to slip
Some materials or outdoor conditions can make tools slippery
Line of Fire/Body Positioning
Use a solid, even surface to cut on
Always cut away from yourself
Visualize the path the blade will
take before making the cut
Hold a knife or cutting tool by
the handle only; do not place your thumb or finger on the blade
Watch the positioning of your holding hand
Secure the item to be cut
If you drop a knife,


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