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文档介绍:2_ Abstract F10wcr-bird works,as one ofthethree branches of traditional Chinese paintings,COuld back t0T锄g Dynasty as an independent -bird works,along withfigure蝴ings aIldlandscape,constitutes the main subject matters oftraditional Chinese paintings,zed bv various aIlimaIs and pared with other branches,flower-bird works possesses distinctivefeatures,蛐d especially itsimplied meaning isirreplaceable by otllers·HoweVcr,due onomical,cultural andpersonal difference,different painters indifl’erentdynasties showcd龇ir own preference tion ofsubject matter inflower-bird worKs。 S疵e MillgD帅a哪,talented women,as arepresentative female painting grouP,graduaIly mallifestcd血cir unique artisticfeatures inthehistory oftraditional Chinese painting·Accordmg t0the statisticsof mc number oftalented women paintersand theirworks,paintings by women bccame edentedly prosperous and developed and influenced the women pamtcrs mQing and laterinterms of through theliteraturereviews,we may find the studies of talented women,s paInting mainly concentrate on thestyles ofgroup orindividual while the studies ofsubj ectm撇r are always weknow,subject matter isthe觚damental ot mcpa枷ng and thekey totheformation ofappreciation ofbeauty·Among talented women, what are me characteristics ofsubject matter ofbird-flower works popular with fcmalepaInt甜s。7 Itisundoubtedly aimportant issue. thesis,Sclecting works by talented women inMing Dynasty as ananalysis and hasdiscussion from tlves: T0begin、Ⅳith,the thesis,by employing iconology and aesthetics,discusses thepret瞅mce oftalented women inselecting thesubject matters offlower-bird works· prehensive parative analysis toexplore the ce bet、Ⅳeenthepaintings by talented women and by otherwomen SO as toprove thespecialty of the selection oftalented women. biIling谢tIl flower-bird works by talented women,the thesisfurtherdiscusses the thcir innuences on the selection ofsub