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文档介绍:第 156 页
第7章 结构检测
Chapter 7 Structural Inspection
目录 Contents
结构检测的方法(structural inspection methods) 158
结构检测程序(procedures for structure inspection) 158
1.现场调查(field investigation) 158
2.编制检测方案(inspection scheme) 158
3.现场检测(field inspection) 158
4.检测数据的整理与分析(interpretation and analysis of data) 158
5.检测报告(inspection report) 159
检测要求(requirements of structural inspection) 159
1.检测的基本要求(requirements for structural inspection) 159
2.检验数量要求(minimal number of specimens for inspection) 160
检验结果的评定(Evaluation of inspection results) 161
1.检测批的合格判定(determination of inspection lots
第 156 页
) 161
2.检验结果的判定(determination of inspection results) 163
(inspection of concrete structure) 165
(performance and quality of original material) 165
1.混凝土(concrete) 166
2.钢筋(steel bar) 166
混凝土强度检测(inspect concrete strength) 166
1.回弹法(rebound method) 167
2.钻芯法(drilled core method) 171
3.超声法(ultrasonic method) 172
4.超声回弹综合法(ultrasonic-rebound method) 173
5.后装拔出法(post-install pull-out method) 174
混凝土构件外观质量与缺陷(inspect appearance and flaw of concrete structure and element) 175
1.裂缝检测(crack detection) 175
2.内部空洞缺陷的检测(inspection of void) 177
3.表层损伤的检测(inspection of surface damage) 178
尺寸偏差(dimensional errors) 179
第 157 页
变形与损伤(deformation and damage) 180
(inspection of steel bar) 180
1.钢筋配置的检测(steel bar layout measurement) 181
2. 钢筋材质检测(properties of steel bar) 181
3. 钢筋锈蚀的检测(rust inspection) 181
砌体结构的检测(inspection of masonry structure) 182
砌筑块材的检测(masonry units) 182
1.回弹法(rebound method) 183
2.砌筑块材强度检测的要求(requirements of masonry units strength) 183
(mortars) 184
1.推出法(push out method) 184
2.筒压法(column compression method) 185
3.砂浆片剪切法(mortar flake method) 187
4.回弹法(rebound method) 188
5.点荷法(point load method) 189
6.射钉法(power actuated shot method) 189
(masonry strength) 190
1.扁顶法(flat jack method) 191
2.原位轴压法(the method of axial comp