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文档介绍:郑州大学西亚斯国际学院本科毕业论文题目我国中小企业融资难问题研究指导教师张春红职称讲师学生姓名娄旭旭学号 20071222117 专业会计(财务管理方向) 班级一班院(系) 商学院会计学系完成时间 2011 年*月*日我国中小企业融资难问题研究摘要改革开放以来中小企业在我国国民经济中的地位和贡献度不断提升, 已经成为推动国民经济发展、保持社会稳定的基础力量。然而融资难一直是制约中小企业发展的瓶颈。造成我国中小企业融资窘迫的原因主要有两方面,既有中小企业自身的原因,也有一些外部原因。在我国当前特殊的市场经济发展阶段,由于国家相关的法律法规不完善、金融支持体系尚不健全、金融市场运作不规范、企业自身发展不足等原因,融资难的问题显得格外突出。本文通过分析这些原因,提出了切实解决中小企业融资难的对策措施。政府应尽快放开民间资本,建立真正的专门面向中小企业融资的民营银行, 大力发展民营小额贷款公司, 发展和规范个人放贷业务, 发展名副其实的民间互助合作金融组织,为中小企业开辟更多的直接融资渠道等,使中小企业融资难问题得到根本解决。关键词中小企业融资;业务创新;政策支持;金融机构 Study on Financing Problems of SMEs ABSTRACT SMEs play an increasingly important role in China ’s current economic conflict between the rapid development of SMEs and the financing channels and the mode of financing has to solve the problem of financing SMEs is important for China ’s national economic , difficulty in financing is always the bottleneck of restricting the development of SMEs . Result in the SMEs financing distress reason is various including their own reasons and some external cause. The special market in China's current economic development stage, because of relevant state laws and regulations are not perfect, financial support system is unsound, financial markets operate isnot standard, the enterprise itself development shortage and other reasons, financing difficult problem seemed unusually outstanding. By analyzing the reasons and put ing forward the practical solution of SME s financing difficulty countermeasures ,the government should release folk capital as soon as possible to create a real for specialized SME s financing private Banks, vigorously developing private pany, development and standard personal lending, the development of folk worthy of the name of mutual cooperation anizations for SME s, etc, mak ing the financing difficulty problems tobe solved. KEY WORDS SME financing; business innovation; policy support; financial institutions 目录摘要.......................................................................