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文档介绍:MThe streets of BJ look like a ocean of bicycles. 北京真是一个自行车的海洋啊 W是的, 这个城市大约有一大半的人骑自行车,全市有 900 多万辆自行车 More than one half of people here ride bicycles, there are more than 9,000,000bicycles here. MI also want to ride bicycle, do you know where I can buy one? 我也想骑自行车。哪里可以买自行车?W您在北京停留时间不长,不必买车。楼下可以租车,一天 10块钱 You are not staying long in Bj, there isno need for buying one. You can rent one downstairs for 10yuan one day. M Great. Let ’s rent one , and ride to the palace museum, then to Beihai park. 太好了,那就租一辆。先去故宫,再去北海公园 W好的。不过故宫里不能骑车 Ok. But cycling is forbidden inside the Palace Museum. MIknow that. But we can leave it in the bicycle parking load at the gate. 我知道。我们可以把车放在门口的自行车管理处 W现在我们来到了天安门广场,这是北京的中心 Here we are in Tian ’ an men Square. This is the center of Bj. MI hear it is the biggest square in the world. W hat are the buildings around the square? 我听说它是世界上最大的广场,你能给我介绍一下周边建筑吗 W西边是人民大会堂,南面是毛主席纪念馆,东面是中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,中间是人民英雄纪念碑。北面是天安门。天安门原是明清两代皇城的正门,由此进入故宫,现在天安门是新中国的象征。 To the west is the Great Hall of the People, to the south is the Memorial Hall of chairman Mao Zedong, to the east is the China history museum and China revolution museum , in the middle is the Monument to the People's Heroes. To the north is Tian ’ an Men, which means the gate of having peace. It’s used tobe main gate to Palace Museum of the Ming and Qing dynasty through which we can go into the museum, now this gat