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上传人:zkusha 2021/12/19 文件大小:12 KB




文档介绍:英语作文 交通问题
As the development of the society, the traffic becomes heavier in big cities. And it is common to meet the traffic jam in our daily life. What’s
the reason for this phenomenon?
There are many reasons for this situation. Firstly, to pursuit high standard life, more and more people possessed personal car. They thought it is more convenient with their own car; they don’t need waiting bus so
that they can save time to do more work and learn more knowledge. Secondly, the price of the car becomes lower than ever, more families can afford it. It is not a dream to have car. Thirdly, less people go to work or go to shopping by bus. Instead, they drive their own car. So traffic jam becomes common on the street.
How to resolve this problem? In my op


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