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文档介绍:Part II Cases Euro Disney (A) Michael Eisner, chairperson of Walt pany, was sitting in his Los Angeles office. It was New Year's Eve d993, and Eisner had one meeting left before he could go home to celebrate a quiet holiday. The meeting was with yet another group of high-powered consultants from one of the world's most prestigious general management and strategy panies. Hie consultants had assembled a multidisciplinary team including financial, marketing, and strategic planning experts from the New York and Paris offices. The meeting couldn't wait until after the holidays — the topic, what to do about Euro Disney, was that critical. The consultants were asked by the consortium of bank lenders to provide an additional perspective on the problems of Euro Disney and to make mendations to Eisner and Disney management on what should be done. In the 10 years since Eisner and his senior management team had arrived, they had turned Disney into pany with annual revenues of $ billion, compared with $1 billion in 1984. For Eisner, his track record was able. "From the time they came in, they had never made a single misstep, never a mistake, never a failure," according toa former Disney executive. "There was a tendency to believe that everything they touched would be perfect." Eisner was particularly proud of the ess of the immensely profitable Tokyo Disneyland, which had more visitors i


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