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文档介绍:My favorite
Han Geng, an ethnic Nanai(赫哲族人) from Northeast China, was born in Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang, China . At the age of 13, he was accepted into Central University for Nationalities and left Mudanjiang for Beijing to perfect his craft in dance. In December 2001 , he attended the “ China ” petition sponsored by Korean SM Entertainment. petition rate was 3000 to 1, and Han was selected after auditions ,he went to Korea alone to strive for his dream when he was only 19.
In a totally strange culture and a different place,he spent a long,lonely time-practising dancing and sining from dawn to 5 years’ training,finally,he stood on the stage of KBS together with his friends.
However,tribulations never end…
Soon,he was told that he couldn’t give any performance any more,because he was not a order not to effect his team members and make the dance unabridged,he cried and stood on the stage with a mask on his an unbearable shame and panic it was for a singer!
For 8 months,he couldn’t attend any TV he didn’t say any thing,he kept on telling us that he was all right and he believed that things would be better.
When he was told he could give the performance,he steped on the stage with his foot in plaster .But he still danced like a king.
What makes Han Kyung eed at last? It is the pure perseverance and a simple belief –now that you have started, you should go on advancing, never give up.
“I consider myself as a ice-breaker between Koreans and Chinese culture,I hope I’m more than a singer to my fans,and I will do my best to demonstrate to the whole world that Chinese people are excellent in all aspects.”once said Han Geng in an interview.
This picture was taken secretly by took a photo of the national flag when he was waiting in the team member told us that he even had a flag on the wall in his room. When asked“Why took such a picture”. He cried,“I just felt that our flag was so beautiful.”