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网上购物系统后台系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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网上购物系统后台系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc

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网上购物系统后台系统的设计与实现 毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:毕业设计说明书课题名称网上购物系统后台系统的设计与实现系别专业班级学号姓名指导教师 2012 年5月9日 1 摘要伴随着 的蓬勃发展,网络购物中心作为电子商务的一种形式正以其高效、低成本的优势,逐步成为新兴的经营模式和理念,人们已经不再满足用途信息的浏览和发布,而是渴望着能够充分享受网络所带来的更加多的便利。网络购物正适应了当今社会快节奏地生活,使顾客足不出户便可以方便快捷轻松地选购自己喜欢的商品。本系统便是尝试用 java 在网络上架构一个动态的电子商务网站,它是在 Windows XP 下,以 MySQL 为数据库开发平台, Tomcat 网络信息服务作为应用服务器,采用 JAV A 技术开发的网上购物系统。他分前台部分和后台部分,前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户注册,购物车管理,订单管理,个人资料管理等功能;后台部分由管理员使用,主要包括商品管理,订单管理,会员管理,系统管理等功能。建立后的网站系统是一个动态、交互式、具有商品提供、系统管理、用户留言等功能的电子商务网站。关键字: JAVA;MySQL;Tomcat; 网上购物系统 2 Abstract Along with the vigorous development of the , works as ashopping center isa form of its highly efficient, low-cost advantages, gradually emerging asa business model and philosophy, there isno longer meet use and dissemination of information browsing, but a desire to bring the full work more convenient. shopping is being adapted to the fast pace of today's society to live, so that customers can enjoy the convenience of fast and easway to purchase their own modities. The system is trying to use JAVA ina work of merce websites structure, which is in Windows XP, MySQL for database development in platform, Tomcat application server work information services, use JAVA technology development online shopping system. Prospects and the background of some of his hours, the prospects of users, including users registered, a shopping cart management, order management, personal information management, message board management functions; Background in part by managers, modity management, processing orders, customer information management, information management, and other functions links. After the establishment of the website isa dynamic, interactive, modities, systems management, voice mail, and other functions of the merce website users. Keywords :JAVA; MySQL;Tomcat;Online shopping system 3 目录第1章软件需求与开发计划......................................................................................... 6 引言......................................................................................................


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