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上传人:小李飞刀 2021/12/21 文件大小:20 KB




文档介绍:儿童英语故事 100 字:大山洞,小山洞
There is a big mountain cave, the cave was large and airy. A large tiger moved in, just laid dry leaves, gave birth to a baby tiger.
Facing the large rock cave covered with dry leaves there is also a small cave, and it was small tits tits mom's house.
Ever since the tiger moved, a forest, small tits never hear
singing, the grass never see small tits training flight. One
day, my mother packed up luggage tits, ready to take the baby
In this case, the mother tiger standing on the lawn in front
of the small cave loudly shouting : "? Tits Mom, I'm home sick baby tiger, I'm going to pick some medicine, please help me look after the baby, all right."
Small tits tit mother hugging dared not say a word. Tiger Mom said : "We are neighbors, and both are the mother, you'll help me, right?"
Tit Mom Tanchunaodai, looked at the big cave dry leaves lying on the small tiger, he nodded yes.
Tiger mother left, little tiger "wah-wah" to cry.
Small tits scared her arms straight drill. "Mom, Little Tiger crying really loud ah, it really is a small baby than I do?"
Tit mother said : "Yes, it is the mother to go out, it goes sick poor yo!"
Small tits then said : "I will sing a song to listen to it, it's sick will get better again?"
"Yes, child, sing, sing louder, tits songs should be spread throughout the fo


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