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上传人:夜紫儿 2022/7/16 文件大小:13 KB




Facing the large rock cave covered with dry leaves there is also a small cave, and it was small titssmall baby than I do?“

Tit mother said: “Yes, it is the mother to go out, it goes sick poor yo!“
Small tits then said: “I will sing a song to listen to it, it”s sick will get better again?“
“Yes, child, sing, sing louder, tits songs should be spread throughout the forest.“
“Great Cave, a small cave,
The size of the cave is home.
Do not cry, do not be afraid,
Baby”s mother went home. “
Small tits crisp voice came small cave, got into the big cave. Gradually, the tiger cry, it narrowed his eyes to listen to small tits sing a short while, then playing a snore.
Tiger mother to gather herbs back and it kissed the little tiger fast asleep. Then, again a colorful wildflowers wreath hung on the neck of small tits: “to give you, our mountains the little star.“
Small tits friends can be happy and thought: Do not look at the mother tiger looks scary, and it is also the same as their own mother loves the baby, the mother has had a good heart under the sun ah!

The next day, the disease is cured tiger, tiger mother in the cave, it is laden with the sun from the sun. Tits mom does not intend to move, see, it was flapping its win


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