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Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention
of Juvenile Delinquency
(Adopted at the 10th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National People's Congress on June 28,1999 and promulgated by Order No. 17 of the President of the People's Republic of China on June 28,1999)
General Provisions
Education for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency
Prevention of Juvenile Misbehaviors
Rectification and Treatment of Serious Juvenile Misbehaviors
Juveniles1 Self-protection
Against Crimes
Prevention of Juveniles From Committing Crimes Again
Legal Responsibility
Supplementary Provisions
Chapter I
General Provisions
This Law is enacted for the purpose of ensuring that juveniles are physically and mentally healthy, helping juveniles cultivate good conduct and effectively preventing juvenile delinquency.
The prevention of juvenile delinquency shall be based on education and protection, the work shall be started with school children and efforts shall be made to prevent,
rectify and treat juvenile misbehavior before it is too late.
Juvenile delinquency shall be prevented in a comprehensive way under the organization and leadership of the people's governments at all levels.
The government departments concerned, judicial organs, people's organizations, relevant public organizations, schools, families, neighborhood committees in cities and villagers committees in the countryside, etc. shall join efforts and take their respective responsibilities in preventing juvenile delinquency, and creating a good social environment for the cultivation of physical and mental health of juveniles.
People's governments at all levels shall perform the following functions and duties in preventing juvenile delinquency:
to formulate plans for prevention of
juvenile delinquency;
to organize and coordinate efforts of the relevant government departments for public security, education, culture, the press, publishing, radio


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