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文档介绍:Part A
Unit 3 What are you going to do?
read a book
watch TV
listen to music
do homework
play football
wash the clothes
Read and do
play football
listen to music
read a book
go swimming
have some food
Read and choose a title for this text.
A. Liu Yun’s Day Plan.
B. Liu Yun’s Weekend plan.
Read and tick.
What is Liu Yun going to do on Saturday?
go to the bookstore
watch TV
buy a CD and some story-books
play the piano
go home and read books
do homework
Liu Yun’s Weekend plan
Read and find.
What is Liu Yun going to do on Sunday?
go to the bookstore
buy a new CD and some story-books
go home and read the new books
go to the supermarket
visit aunt
watch TV
Finish the form
My Weekend Plan
Hello !My name is Jason . I am going to have a busy weekend.
On Saturday morning, I’m going to take a trip.
In the afternoon, I’m going to the Great Wall.
In the evening, I'm going to watch TV.
On Sunday morning,
In the afternoon, I’m going to
I’m going to the park.
buy a book in the bookstore.
In the evening. I‘m going to
read the new book.
That will be fun!


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