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小水线面双体船 自动化本科毕业论文.doc

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小水线面双体船 自动化本科毕业论文.doc

上传人:酒酿小樱桃 2016/7/30 文件大小:0 KB


小水线面双体船 自动化本科毕业论文.doc


文档介绍:摘要小水线面双体船( 简称 SWATH) 是人们在开发海洋资源与捍卫海上安全的实践中,不断综合各种船型技术优势的基础上持续创新的产物,是用途广泛的高性能船。 SWATH 具有耐波性能优良、快速性能优良、操纵性能良好、稳定性好等优点。由于 SWATH 纵向和横向运动稳定与否的主要是由作用在船体上的 Munk 力矩所决定的,因而稳定鳍的作用至关重要。本文是在分析了小水线面双体船耐波性与稳定性等水动力特性的基础上通过 seakeepe r 纵向运动切片法推出了 SWAT H 纵向运动控制系统状态空间数学模型,并引入了 PID 控制理论来探讨小水线面双体船减摇鳍的运动控制方法。用不同频率的规则波作为 SWATH 的扰动信号,以进行船在不同频率规则波作用下的纵摇、垂荡运动响应仿真; 用相同频率的规则波作为 SWAT H 的扰动信号,以进行船在不同航速规则波作用下的纵摇垂荡运动响应仿真; 以及进行船在模拟随机海浪下的纵摇、垂荡运动响应仿真。通过实验了解小水线面双体船垂荡和纵摇的频率特性,并设计小水线面双体船减摇鳍的 PID 控制器,并对其效果进行了仿真分析。通过分析,该控制器可使减摇鳍为 SWATH 的纵向运动提供相对良好的耐波形。关键词: SWATH ;纵向运动; maxsurf ; seakeeper ;规则波;随机海浪; PID ; ABSTRACT SWATH catamaran ( Referred to as SWATH) is that people in the development of marine resources and to defend the practice of safety at sea, constantly synthesizing ship on the basis of technical superiority of the product of continuous innovation is the use ofa wide range of high-performance boat. SWATH with seakeeping performance, fast performance, excellent maneuverability, stability and good. The SWATH stability of vertical and horizontal movement is mainly whether ornot the role of the hull of the Munk moment of the decision, thus stabilizing fins is crucial. This article is the analysis of SWATH catamaran seakeeping and stability based on the hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical movement through seakeeper SWATH vertical section method introduced motion control system state space model, and introduces the theory of PID control SWATH catamaran fin motion control method. Regular waves with different frequencies asa SWATH disturbance signal to the ship in regular waves of different frequencies under the pitch, heave motion response simulation; regular waves with the same frequency as the SWATH disturbance signal to the ship in different speed regular waves heave under the pitching motion response simulation; and the ship under random waves ina simulated pitch, heave motion response simulation. Experiments to understand SWATH catamaran heave and pitch of the frequency characteristics, and des