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文档介绍:Japanese cuisine offers a great variety of dishes and regional specialties. Some of the most popular Japanese and Japanized dishes are listed below. rice dishes, seafood dishes, noodle dishes, nabe dishes, meat dishes, soya bean dishes, and other dishes. PS: some dishes may fit into multiple categories, but are listed only once. rice dishes For over 2000 years, rice has been the most important food in Japanese cuisine. Despite changes in eating patterns over the last few decades and slowly decreasing rice consumption in recent years, rice remains one of the most important ingredients in Japan today, and can be found in numerous dishes. Sushi can be defined asa dish that contains sushi rice, cooked white rice flavored with vinegar. There are various kinds of sushi dishes, Sushi is the most famous Japanese dish outside of Japan, and one of the most popular dishes among the Japanese themselves. Fried rice , or chahan, isa dish that was originally introduced from China. There are an infinite variety of ingredients that can be added to fried rice. mon ones are peas, egg, green onions, carrots and pork. Chahan isa suitable dish for using left over rice. Onigiri Rice Bowl Domburi Kare Raisu seafood dishes Hundreds of different fish, shellfish and other seafood from the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers are used in the Japanese cuisine. They are prepared and eaten in many different ways,