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文档介绍:Unit 19 Types of Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers are equipment primarily for transferring heat between hot and cold have separate passages for the two streams and operate most versatile and widely used exchangers are the shell-and-tube types but various plate and other types are valuable and petitive or superior in some other types will be discussed briefly but most of the space following will be devoted to the shell-and-tube types primarily because of their importance but also because they are pletely documented in the they can be designed with a degree of confidence to fit into a other types are largely proprietary and for the most part must be process designed by their manufacturers.
Plate-and-Frame Exchangers Plate-and-frame exchangers are assemblies of pressed corrugated plates on a frame. Gaskets in grooves around the periphery contain the fluids and direct the flows into and out of the spaces between the spacing and the presence of the corrugations result in high coefficients on both sides several times those of shell-and - tube equipment and fouling factors are accessibility of the heat exchange surface for cleaning makes them particularly suitable for fouling services and where a high degree of sanitation is required as in food and pharmaceutical pressures and temperatures are limited by the natures of the available gasketing materials with usual maximaof 300 psig an


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