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The Thinking Habit That Changed My Life
I remember one evening three years ago, when my life was very different. 1 was overweight. I was deeply in debt. I was a smoker. I felt hopeless and couldn’t change anything.

Then I looked up at the sky and thought what a miracle life is. And I resolved to list the good things in my life. I had a wonderful wife. 1 had five amazing children. I could sec and appreciate the beauty of the world around me. The list went on, but you get the idea. Even when things seemed terrible for me, actually I was OK.

That night I resolved to be grateful for what I had, and for the people in my life. I started the habit of gratitude. Now many people consider it unimportant. I'm here to tell you that it's very important. It changes lives.

Now I appreciate my wife Eva more. I feel good about having her in my life. And we have deepened our relationship. I also appreciate my kids more. Instead of criticizing them, I tend to notice their loveliness, curiosity and humor.

to others around me, at work and everywhere else, because instead of seeing the faults in everyone, I see the good, and am grateful for them. I need less,because instead of thinking about what I don't have, I am grateful for what I do have. Each and every moment becomes cause for gratitude, and life becomes easier.
Without the habit of gratitude, we tend to complain and see the bad in people and things. We can't change that at once, but you can do something. For example, you can start with a small action. Really feel the happiness that something o someone is in your life, or take a moment to make a list of the things in your life that you're thankful for.
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was unhappy with my life three years ago.
A. True B. False C. Not Given

drank every


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