文档介绍:: .
{采购管理制度}中国政府采购制度改革方案分析 : .
Reform History of China’s Government Reform History of China’s Government
Procurement SystemProcurement System : .
China’s reform in government procurement system began
in 1996.
In 1994,China reformed the In 1994,China reformed the
taxation system and established taxation system and established
a new tax distribution system. a new tax distribution system.
制。随着收入管理体制制。随着收入管理体制 As the reform in the ine As the reform in the ine
改革的不断深入,财政改革的不断深入,财政 distribution system distribution system
改革重点转移到财政支改革重点转移到财政支 consolidated, the focus of fiscal consolidated, the focus of fiscal
出领域,其中的一项重 reform was shifted to the field of reform was shifted to the field of
public finance expe