文档介绍:新能源利用技术结课论文学院专业年级姓名学号指导教师 2012 年6月7日地热能开发利用的最新进展 XXX ( XXXXXXXXXXXXX ) 摘要: 能源在社会生产中的地位越来越重要。地热能是新能源的一个重要组成部分。全世界的地热资源储量十分巨大。据估算,仅陆地以下 5000 米深度内的地热资源就有相当于 4948 万亿吨标准煤,开发潜力很大。由于地热能具有可再生、环保和资源丰富等优良特性,受到了世界各国的广泛关注。美国,菲律宾, 日本等国家和地区先后在此方面做出了巨大的人力物力投入并取得了丰硕的成果。我国出台的《可再生能源法》也极大地促进了地热能的发展。目前对于利用地热能进行发电、供暖、务农、行医等方面的研究已经应用到了实际的生产当中去。 21 世纪是科学技术飞速发展的新世纪, 可持续发展是当前经济发展的趋势所在. 面对化石能源的枯竭和环境的污染, 地热能的开发利用为经济的可持续发展带来了曙光. 地热能作为可再生, 污染极小的能源, 其开发和利用不受天气和季节条件的限制, 具有无可比拟的优越性,必将为 21世纪的经济发展和环境保护注入强大的推动力! 关键词: 地热能;现状;研究与利用;前景展望 The new process ofg eothermal energy ’ s development and utilization XXXX ( XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ) Abstract : The energy status in social production is more and more important. Geothermal energy is an important part of the new energy. The geothermal resource on earth is enormous. According to estimation, only geothermal resources within the depth of 5000 meters below the ground have the equivalent of 4948 trillion tons of standard coal, which indicates that the development potential of geothermal energy is very great. Because of geothermal energy is renewable, environmentally friendly and rich in resources, it got the wide attention of the world. The United States, Philippines, Japan and other countries and regions have made huge human and material inputs and achieved fruitful results. China's introduction of the renewable energy law has also greatly promoted the develop