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文档介绍:硕士学位论文摘要大型同步发电机的励磁系统参数对电力系统稳定研究起着重要的作用。但实际运行的系统由于缺少实际参数,严重影响了电力系统稳定分析和仿真计算的准确度和可信度。本文从理论上对励磁系统参数辨识理论进行了相关的阐述,并采用现代辨识技术得到可靠的实际励磁系统模型参数,从而建立励磁系统的标准模型。在分析励磁系统结构特点的基础上,对励磁系统的辨识方法进行了研究。对实际应用中存在的优缺点进行了分析,通过理论推导总结了辨识方法中参数的选取准则,提高了辨识的效率。以发电机现场试验的具体方法、步骤为依据,进行了发电机励磁系统的现场参数测试工作,通过现场阶跃试验得到辨识所需要的数据。本文在深入研究大型汽轮发电机组励磁系统的结构特性和建模原理基础上, 将遗传算法引入励磁系统参数辨识,来解决系统中非线性环节参数的辨识的问题。并以兰州某电厂3001ⅥW汽轮发电机组为例,利用MATLAB/SIMuLINK和智能辨识法对发电机组励磁系统进行建模。并通过现场试验和仿真结果的对比来验证模型参数的有效性。结果表明,遗传算法能有效辨识励磁系统中非线性环节的参数,且辨识精度高。关键词: 励磁系统参数辨识建模分段多项式函数法遗传算法发电机励磁系统建模 Ab stract The excitation system parameters of large synchronous generator have great effects on modern power system stability ,owing tothe shortage of therealparameters intherunning,It may obtain unreliable stability analysis ofpower thesis dissertates on the principles of excitation system parameter identification at obtain the standard model of excitation system by professional parameter identification. The structure and characteristics of various excitation systems are introduced firstly,then the traditional identification methods,time domain identification(Piece Linear Polynomial Function)and modern identification(ic algorithm),are on principle induction and large number of simulation tests,the guidelines ofparameter settings forthetime domain method。It develops the efficiency ofthetwo traditional identification methods. The thesis makes field test realparameters for excitation system ofgenerator,and gains step—up test curve which parameter identification isobtained. Inthisthesis,the structure and characteristics ofexcitation system that often be used for large steam turbine generator excitation system are introduced the paper introduces ic algorithm inthe parameter identification that makes the nonlinear system parameters identification we take a real 300MW generator excitation system forexample,set the generator excitation system models in MATLAB/SIMULINK,and identify themodel par


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