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文档介绍:第 1 页
SCIE G1 English Entry ExaminationMock 4
Time: 100 Minutes Full Score:100 Points
Name: Score:
Part I Listening(25 points)
Question 1
Listen to the following interview with an explorer, and then complete the details below.
you will hear the interview twice.
Question 2
Listen to the following interview about a huge crab, and then answer the questions below.
you will hear the interview twice.
Give one thing that a visitor can do at a Sea Life Centre.
(b) Give two physical details about the centre's newest creature.
(c) Give a reason for the nickname given to the crab.
(d) Where exactly do these crabs usually live?
(e) What is the creature's diet? Give two details.
(f) How does the huge crab disguise itself?
Part II Grammar
Section A.
There are incomplete sentences here. Fill in each blank with theproper form of the word given in the brackets. (10 pts)
1 .When they attain legal marriage age and meet certain medicalrequirements, people are free
(choose) their own mates.
2 .The flowers (smell) sweet in the botanic garden attract thevisitors to the beautyof nature.
3 .After reading the letter, I feel quite _(shock) at your expectationon me. I also feel shamed for having not performing well to meet your demand.
4 .No matter what difficulti