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【精品文档】第 2 页
Fast Reading 2
Rock Solid Readers
- How to help your child become a standout student
Library day is the best day of school for five-and-a-half-year-old Victoria Lin. She searches for books by her favorite author, Dr Seuss. Her mum has read The Cat in the Hat to her so many times that she can read some of it on her own, with a little help from her memory. She also chooses books she and her dad like to read and talk about, such as non-fiction about firefighters or marine animals. Her family plans to visit an aquarium (水族馆) soon, so the librarian suggests a book on dolphins. Victoria adds it to her own “library” along with one about manatees (海牛) – they fascinate her.
Victoria is well on her way to becoming a good reader, which could make all the difference in the world to her future. Decades of research demonstrate that enjoying reading and reading well are the biggest factors in a child’s school success. Good readers make great students. They score higher on achievement tests in every year, in all subjects, including maths and science. So what are the secrets of giving your children an academic edge as well as lifelong pleasure?
1. Good readers start out ahead.
Reading scores in Year One are a key indicator of school success in Year Eleven. What happens in the very early years has a lasting effect on learning. So try these tips with y