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文档介绍:摘要中国自加入WTO以后,银行业逐步开放,商业银行间竞争逐渐升级,各银行都面临着前所未有的挑战。与此同时,市场经济环境对于商业银行风险管理水平的要求也越来越高。信贷风险是商业银行所面临的首要风险,信贷风险管理水平低下则成为信贷风险产生的主要原因。交通银行XT分行在信贷风险管理机制上存在着一些漏洞与不足,一方面未建立有效的风险管理控制系统,另一方面缺乏良好的风险损失补偿机制, 造成XT分行信贷资产质量整体水平不高,信贷业务风险增加,成为阻碍XT分行发展的较大顽疾。本文以交通银行XT分行的信贷风险管理为研究对象,一共分为六章。第一章为导言,介绍选题背景及意义、国内外文献综述、研究思路与研究方法及本文的预期结果。第二章为信贷风险管理理论,阐述了信贷资产风险的概念、信用风险的概念与特征、商业银行信贷风险的种类以及常用的信贷风险分析方法。第三章介绍交通银行 XT分行的背景、信贷资产概况及现行信贷风险管理机制。第四章就交通银行XT分行信贷风险管理中存在的问题进行探讨。交通银行XT分行属于市级银行,其信贷风险管理和国际先进银行相比存在较大差距,信贷风险管理中存在较多问题,主要表现为:信贷资产结构失衡、客户信息披露审查不严谨、信贷风险分析方法有缺陷、信贷风险管理理念较陈旧、信贷风险补偿机制不健全、信贷文化建设不完善等。第五章为加强交通银行XT分行信贷风险管理的对策,针对前一章的问题提出解决方案。主要包括:调整信贷资产结构,准确把握存贷比;加强客户信息披露审查,全面把握客户情况;健全信贷风险管理机制,更新信贷风险管理理念;建立信贷风险补偿处理体系, 化解不良贷款风险;建立良好信贷文化氛围,提高信贷人员专业素质。第六章为结论。关键词:交通银行XT分行;信贷风险;财务分析万方数据万方数据 ABSTRACT After joining the WTO, China has been gradually open to the banking sector, petition mercial banks, facing unprecedented challenges. At the same time, the level mercial banks is ing higher and higher. Credit risk is the primary risk faced by commercial banks. Credit risk management ofBank of Communications,XTBranch hassome loopholes and deficiencies, on the one hand, it did not establish an effective risk management control system, on the other hand, it is lack of risk compensation mechanism. The possible risk of credit business has e a big problem for the further development of XTBranch. In this paper, we take risk management of Bank munications, XTBranchas the research object. The paper includessixchapters. The first chapter is introduction, including topic background, literature review, research ideas and methods and the expected results of this paper. The second chapter is credit risk management theory, including the concept and characteristics of credit risk, types of credit risksand risk analysis methods mon use. The third chapter is the analysis of risk management of Bank of Communications, XT Branch, including introduction and the present situations.