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文档介绍:泰安高新区农村社会保障问题研究 II ⑶泰安高新区农村社会保障体系的建设要具有完整性、协调性和层次性。要按照公平的原则、与经济社会发展相适应的原则、普遍性和选择性相结合的原则、现收现付和储蓄积累相结合原则、坚持法治原则、坚持城乡衔接的原则。⑷泰安高新区农村社会保障制度的建设要以政府责任为核心, 加快建设农村低保制度、农村养老保险制度、农村新型合作医疗制度等为主的农村社会保障制度建设,并采取相应的配套措施,使农村社会保障制度顺利运行。关键词:社会保障泰安高新区对策建议山东农业大学硕士专业学术论文 III Study on social security in rural areas in Tai'an High-tech Zone ABSTRACT Rural social security system, the social secu rity system is the important constituent, but has long been the country at the edge of the social securi ty system. With the deepening of the reform of rural areas and economic development, especially the rural family structure miniaturization, the aging of the population trends is more and more obvious, establishing and perfecting social security system for rural potential is imminent, so earnest study of the rural social secu rity system is of great significance. This paper mainly bining theory with practice, the method of using empirical research, comparative research and literature index method, comprehensive system analysis, etc, in order to shandong ta ian high-tech zone as an example of farmers' social security. Mainly by the preface, esta blishing a rural social security system, the significance of rural social security taian high-tech zone of the present situation and the existence question, establishing a rural social security system conception, establish and perfect the taian high-tech zone rural social security system, conclusions and the countermeasures of revelation six parts. This paper's main conclusion is: (1) through to the European Union, Japan and several other countries of rural social security system construction situation analys is, some enlightenment to us is wants to gradual way to make social insurance system will cover the whole society, the rural social security system should reflect social security due sociality and welfare, does well the government's function localization, establish and perfect the management and perfect legal system, Throu


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