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运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇).doc

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运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇).doc

上传人:花双韵芝 2022/1/13 文件大小:30 KB


运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇).doc



文档介绍:运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
第 1 页 / 总页数 17 页
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
  发 票 号 码 保险单号次
  invoice no. policy no.
  this policy of insurance withesses that the people"s insurance (property) company of china (here- inafter called "the company"), at the request of __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  (hereinafter called the "insured") and in consideration of the agreed premium being paid to the company by the insured, undertakes to insure the undermentioned goods in transportation subject to the conditions of this policy as per the clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.
  | 标 记 | 包装及量 | 保险货物项目 | 保险金额 |
  |marks & nos.| quantity |description of goods|amount insured |
  总 保 险 金 额:
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
第 2 页 / 总页数 17 页
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
  total amount insured________________________________________
  保 费 费率 装 载 工 具
  premium as arranged rate as arranged per conveyance_________----------- ----------- 开 航 日 期 自 至 or from_____________________________to_____________ 承保险别: conditions 所保货物,如发生保险单项下可能惹起索赔的损失或破坏,应立刻通知本企业下述代理人查勘。
  in the event of loss or damage which may result in a claim under this policy, immediate notice must be given to the company"s agent as mentioned hereunder. claims, if any, one of the original policy which has been issued in one original together with the relevant documents shall be surrendered to the company.
  _____保 险 公 司
  claim payable at______________ ________________
  出 单 公 司 地 址
  address of issuing office_______________________
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)
运输合同 :2020货物运输保险合同(3篇)


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