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Procedia Engineering 62 ( 2013 ) 169 – 181
The 9th Asia-Oceania Symposium on Fire Science and Technology
Fire safety design for tall buildings
Adam Cowlarda, Adam Bitterna,c, Cecilia Abecassis-Empisa, Jos Toreroa,b,*
aBRE Centre for Fire Safety Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH16 3JL, UK
bSchool of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Queensland, 4072, Australia
cAstute Fire Ltd., Bush House, Edinburgh Technopole, Edinburgh, EH26 0BB, UK
In any subject area related to the provision of safety, failure is typically the most effective mechanism for evoking rapid reform and an
introspective assessment of the accepted operating methods and standards within a professional body. In the realm of tall buildings the
most notable failures in history, those of the WTC towers, widely accepted as fire induced failures, have not to any significant extent
affected the way they are designed with respect to fire safety. This is clearly reflected in the surge in numbers of Tall Buildings being
constructed since 2001. bination of the magnitude and time-scale of the WTC investigation coupled with the absence of
meaningful guidance resulting from it strongly hints at the outdatedness of current fire engineering practice as a discipline in the context
of such advanced infrastructure. This is further reflected in the continual shift from prescriptive to performance based design in many
parts of the world demonstrating an ever growing acceptance that these buildings are beyond the realm of applicability of prescriptive
guidance. In order for true performance based engineering to occur however, specific performance goals need to be established for these
structures. This work seeks to highlight the critical elements of a fire safety strategy for tall buildings and thus attempt to highlight some
specific global performance objectives. A survey of tall building fire i