文档介绍:汽车悬架系统设计与性能分析摘要悬架系统是汽车的一个非常重要的总成。悬架系统设计的成功与否是决定整车设计水平的关键因素之一。随着数学、力学、计算机信息科学等学科的发展而发展起来的多体系统动力学理论为解决汽车悬架的分析、设计问厝提供了有力的工具。论文综述了多体系统动力学理论的发展、现状及其建模方法的特点. 研究了悬架系统运动学分析方法。应用多体系统运动学理论对双横臂独立悬架进行了运动学分析;提出了基于运动学仿真的双横臂独立悬架导向机构的布置设计的方法和思路,首次将多体系统运动学和遗传算法理论应用于双横臂独立悬架导向机构的布置这一多目标优化设计问题中,利用所编制的软件进行了分析和设计。提出了解决多体系统动力学方程求解过程中的违约问题的一种新方法,并给出了相应的动力学方程求解的算法;建立了双横臂独立悬架的动力学模型, 研究了独立悬架动刚度的计算方法,并进行了仿真研究;研究了非独立悬架中钢板弹簧简化方法。建立了其多体系统动力学模型。并对其动特性进行了仿真研究。台架实验结果表明仿真结果正确。建立了汽车主要总成的多体动力学模型,并整合成整车的多体模型,建立了道路输入模型,进行了整车的动力学仿真;提出了基于动力学仿真的汽车悬架CAD的思路,针对具体车型,在优化悬架特性参数的基础上,进行了钢板弹簧的结构改进设计。关键词:多体动力学,汽车悬架系统,计算机辅助设计、仿真 The design and proformance analyses of vehicle suspension system Abstract Suspension system is a very ponent of an automobile. It not only takes the function of transferring the forces(torque),but influences the fort and handling stabilitY the design of suspension ess or not is a key factor that decides the design level of the whole theory of multi—body dynamics developed with mathematics,mechanics puter SCience is finding its wider and wider application in the engineering. Iethisdissertation,sugarizing the development,the present state and the modeliug feather of multi—body dynamics lead to the suggestion of the application of multi—body dynamics to the analysis,design of suspension multi—body model ofdouble wish—bone independent suspension is maximal coordinate methods,the kinemics of this suspension isanalyzed。To design the arrangement of this kindofsuspension,the design method based on the kinemics simulation isput the first time themulti—body kinemics and ic algorithm are used tosolve such amulti-objective optimization problem-The code is also used to analysis and todesign a specific suspension. A new method to deal with the constraint violation is introduced. The simplified method of leaf—spring is dynamics character simulatioll of leaf—spring based on malti—body model is carried results fit’ith the exp