文档介绍:of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
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of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
第一章 总那么
第一条 为加强对医疗器械临床试验的管理,维护受试者权益,保证临床试验结果真实、可靠,根据?医疗器械监督管理条例?,制定本规定。
第二条 医疗器械临床试验的实施及监督检查,应当依照本规定。
第三条 本规定所称医疗器械临床试验是指:获得医疗器械临床试验资格的医疗机构〔以下称医疗机构〕对申请注册的医疗器械在正常使用条件下的平安性和有效性按照规定进行试用或验证的过程。
第四条 医疗器械临床试验应当遵守?世界医学大会赫尔辛基宣言?〔附件1〕的道德原那么,公正、尊重人格、力求使受试者最大程度受益和尽可能防止伤害。
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
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of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
第五条 医疗器械临床试验分医疗器械临床试用和医疗器械临床验证。
第六条 医疗器械临床试验的前提条件:
of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening the honesty and self-discipline of leading cadres honesty in politics and education work, enhance leaders ability to resist
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of accountability, redress of orders and prohibitions. Strengthening