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文档介绍:郑州大学学院:软件学院专业名称: 软件工程姓名:陈俊奎学号: 20127611504 综述课题: 人工智能研究现状综述人工智能研究现状综述陈俊奎( 20127611504 ) 摘要: 人工智能是 20世纪计算机科学发展的重大成就,在许多领域有着广泛的应用。近年来,随着人工智能理论技术的不断发展,以模糊技术、人工神经网络和遗传算法为代表的智能理论方法在电力系统领域得到了十分广泛的应用。本文从探讨人工智能的概念出发,阐述了对“智能”的理解在研究中的地位,简要介绍了人工智能的三个阶段的发展简史、当前的研究与应用热点,并指出人工智能的进一步发展依赖于更先进的数学工具,介绍了人工智能研究的历史与现状,并分析了人工智能与具体领域相结合形成的不同学科领域,阐述了人工智能主要的应用领域,并从哲学的角度对人工智能能否超过人的智能这个问题进行了分析,最后介绍了人工智能未来的发展趋势及潜力。关键词:计算机科学机器人人工智能发展趋势及潜力 Artificial intelligence research status were reviewed Chen Junkui (20127611504). Abstract :The artificial intelligence ( AI ) isa major achievement in the development puter science in the 20th century, has been widely used in many fields. In recent years, with the continuous development of the technique of artificial intelligence theory, based on the fuzzy technology, artificial work and ic algorithm asa representative of intelligence theory method has been very widely used in the field of power system. This paper discusses the concept of artificial intelligence, this paper expounds the understanding of "smart" in the status of research, this paper briefly introduces the three stages of artificial intelligence development brief history, current research and application ofhot spots, and points out that the further development of artificial intelligence depends on more advanced mathematical tools, introduces the history and present situation of research in artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence are bined with a specific areas of different disciplines, this paper expounds the main field of application of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence will be more than one from the perspective of philosophy of smart this problem was analyzed, and finally introduces the trend of the development of artificial intelligence and potential. 引言:人工智能( Artificial intelligence ),英文缩写 AI,也称为机器智能, 是指由人工制造出来的系统所表现出来的智能。一般教材中的定义领域是“智能代理( intelligent agent ) 的研究与设计”, 智能代理是指一个可以观察周遭环境并作出行动以达致目标的系统。约翰· 麦卡锡(人工智能之父)于 1955 年的定义是“制造智能机器的科学与工程”。它是研究开发,用于模拟,延展和扩展人的智能的理


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